
Creating an App using Xcode 4

Page history last edited by Lee Barney 13 years, 5 months ago

Xcode 4 doesn't allow us to use templates to create apps.  If you are using Xcode 4 you will need to download the latest QC 2.x version instead of the templates from the QC 1.x versions.


Here are the steps used to create a QuickConnectFamily Hybrid iOS application with Xcode 4 and QC 2.x.


Do the following steps OR copy and existing example project.


  1. Use Xcode to create a new iOS application from one of the standard templates.
  2. Drag the contents of the QC Hybrid directory into the project.  Copy them in.
  3. Add in the following standard frameworks:
    • Accelerate
    • AddressBook
    • AddressBookUI
    • AudioToolbox
    • AVFoundation
    • CoreLocation
    • GameKit
    • iAd
    • libsqlite3.dylib
    • MapKit
    • MediaPlayer
    • MessageUI
    • QuickLook
    • StoreKit
    • SystemConfiguration
  4. Add the following files to the 'Copy Bundle Resources' list
    • index.html
    • main.css
    • main.js
    • mappings.js
    • functions.js
    • databaseDefinition.js
  5. In your application delegate header file (.h file) Change NSObject to QuickConnectViewController in the inheritance declaration.
  6. All this line of code to the application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions method of your application delegate
    • [self  addWebViewToWindow:self.window];
  7. Modify the index.html, main.css, and the JavaScript files to create the logic for your app.



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